

To help our clients toward enjoyment and success in the quality of their financial lives while assisting their future generations to become outstanding stewards of their wealth.


To provide our clients with comprehensive wealth management advice and service, helping them to toward a sense of security, success and improved confidence in their unique financial future.


  • Honesty & Integrity -We will provide our clients with objective, unbiased advice.
  • Empathy & Understanding - We will listen intently and with empathy to fully understand our clients so that we may help them make good financial decisions consistent with their personal vision, values and goals.
  • Caring, Reliable, Consistent Communication -We will make sure our clients know that we care about them, and are consistently working to help them toward achieving their goals in a changing and uncertain economic environment.
  • Comprehensive Approach-We will analyze every aspect of our clients’ financial lives to ensure the most appropriate and well-coordinated recommendations are provided.


As a client of The Resource Group of Rochester, you are special to us.  We value your business and will strive to proactively address your needs and requests in a manner that earns your respect.  You can count on us to lead you through the financial planning process at a pace that is appropriate for you.  Our relationship will evolve, as will your financial plan, but you will always be treated to a timely, concierge-level experience.